keadaan tertangkap bahasa Inggris
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion;
- tertangkap: crenellated; fall into the hands (of someone)
- tertangkap basah: catch in the act; catched red handed; red handed; catch red-handed
- tidak tertangkap: uncaught
- keadaan: circumstance; circumstances; complexion; condition; fettle; position; situation; state; state of affairs; the course of; do; going; proposition; repair; shape; stand; mood; humour; attribute; united
- keadaan-keadaan bersesuaian: corresponding states
- kemalaran keadaan kontinuitas keadaan: continuity of state
- dalam keadaan: in a state of; in shape; in
- induk keadaan: parent of a state
- jumlah keadaan: sum of states
- kata keadaan: adjective
- keadaan agregasi: state of matter
- keadaan aktif: active state
- keadaan akuntansi: accounting representation
- keadaan alamiah: state of nature